Witness the passion. Celebrate the glory. Be a part of the Search for the Best Choir in America. Register your choir today. Then tune in to BET on Sunday, May 31, 11:00 AM EST for an extraordinary look at the people who were part of How Sweet the Sound 2008. You’ll find yourself cheering with the crowds, clapping to the music, and sharing backstage tears of joy. You’ll feel the anticipation, excitement, and passion. Don’t miss out in 2009! You only have until June 15, so register your choir today.
We want to send out a big “Thank You!” to the many Choirs who have already sent in their registrations and audition tapes. How Sweet the Sound 2009 began April 1 and the search for The Best Church Choir in America is officially off and running! So don’t miss this opportunity to get in your registration and show us why your church choir is the Best in America. Get your registration information together so your choir can compete to win up to $50K in cash and prizes!
We want to send out a big “Thank You!” to the many Choirs who have already sent in their registrations and audition tapes. How Sweet the Sound 2009 began April 1 and the search for The Best Church Choir in America is officially off and running! So don’t miss this opportunity to get in your registration and show us why your church choir is the Best in America. Get your registration information together so your choir can compete to win up to $50K in cash and prizes!

I'm not quite sure how to comment on this. An American Idol of church choirs? Really? Put singing songs to God to a competition? Really? Enough said.
Um....do we get to call in votes?
And what exactly do they get if they win? More glory to God? More riches in heaven? Oh, that's right. Money. And prizes. I can so see how that will glorify God.
And what exactly do they get if they win? More glory to God? More riches in heaven? Oh, that's right. Money. And prizes.And pride. And bragging rights. And self esteem. And self worth from self accomplishment. And a bunch of other churches loathing you and talking trash about how they were actually better. And a congregation lost in the wonder of the show, lost in the excitement of the contest, that they forget what is is all about, or should I say Who it is all about.
What's worse then winning money for this? The pride that will forever come with it, that will destroy, and destroy, and destroy.
I saw this last year. "Battle of the Choirs", I think it was called - this must be a separate (but similar) competition.
I don't know. I guess the above commentors are right in that it could lead to bad things, but I guess somehow the idea of the competition itself doesn't bother me quite so much if they're actually singing God-glorifying songs. After all, there are highly professional Gospel singers who still actually sing Gospel. If you have God honoring music out in the limelight that way, is that not good? I was thrilled when the American Idol finalists sang "Shout to the Lord" on the season finale last year. That said, I could be wrong - I haven't really thought through all the implications as some of you perhaps had, but my first impression is that it is an ok idea.
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